Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Preppy Porn

I believe it was The Trad that coined the phrase, but it certainly applies here. First of all Lax Bro is completely hilarious, secondly that kid is devastatingly handsome! The last video I originally saw on A Duck Gets Dressed and 
rolled on the floor laughing. I wonder if Frank Lapacone is still available? Just Kidding...


  1. These have got to be a put on, no? I would be concerned if they were not. :)

  2. I'm from Annapolis and this is a perfect copy of a bunch of boys in my high school. I was the lacrosse team manager and it is ridiculous how good of a parody this is!!

  3. I love lacrosse boys!! He was just too adorable!

  4. Think I'll stick w/ the old style porn. Loved your comments on In-N-Out. We go there every week, rain or shine.

  5. Pink Martini- He is a real St. Lawrence LAX player but I love his ability to make fun of himself.

    Katie- Ahh Annapolis, I am dying to visit, I hear those Maryland Lax boys are real hotties. Love your blog!

    Kerry- Agreed!

    Alan- That's cool man. I was so freakin' bummed of all places we never got to go to In-N-Out on my trip. They gotta bring them out east!

  6. As a razorback fan, I love the hog hat in the last video!
